Tooth Avulsed Treatment

tooth avulsed

Tooth avulsion is a dental condition where a tooth is completely dislocated from its socket. The treatment for an avulsed tooth is replantation. The treatment should be done on an immediate effect as it’s vital to the survival of the tooth. You can get some more information on how to manage a knocked out tooth,

Tooth Avulsed Treatment

First aid/Initial care

In the event of having a patient with a tooth alvused, the dentist should;

•Attend to the patient immediately
•A full trauma and oral examination should be done
•If the avulsed tooth is not yet replanted, it should be put in a media which preserves it well. e.g., milk, saline solution
•The patient’s medical history should be enquired, especially dental history.

From this juncture, the treatment is specific for those patients whose avulsed tooth is still in their mouth and those whose tooth is in a media. tooth avulsed

Treatment for the tooth in the mouth

•Position the tooth properly in its socket by ensuring that its original place
•Clean the area around the tooth especially the gum to avoid infections
•Administer some relevant antibiotics
•After the replantation, commence root canal treatment and follow up tills it’s stable again.

Treatment for the tooth in the media

•Clean the tooth socket with a saline solution to eliminate contamination in the socket and root surface
•Examine to socket properly if there are remains of a broken tooth
•Apply some dental anesthesia
•Replant the tooth carefully and gently
•Ensure that the new position of the tooth is the original one
•Apply a flexible splint for 7-15 days
•Use relevant antibiotics on the area around the socket
•Begin a follow up with the patient as well as a root canal treatment in the process

Successful replantation of an avulsed tooth will ensure the total complement of the tooth with the socket ligaments, and the problem will be solved.

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