Tooth brushing techniques for better oral health

tooth brushing techniques

Bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease can usually be prevented with good oral hygiene. Whilst people are aware that brushing twice daily is an important part of the oral health regimen, many fail to use the correct tooth brushing techniques. The wrong tooth brushing will result in tooth decay and gum problems. Here are a few simple tooth brushing techniques for an effective oral care habits.

The Basics

Before you start brushing, make sure that your tools of the trade are in good condition. A good rule of thumb is to replace your toothbrush every three months. Use a fluoride-based toothpaste for maximum effectiveness in reducing plaque and tooth decay. Initially, years of poor technique may make changing your tooth brushing habits difficult, so be extra vigilant until these procedures become second nature.

– place half an inch of toothpaste on the toothbrush

– hold brush with a pencil grip

– use a gentle horizontal scrubbing action

– hold brush at a forty-five-degree angle to reach plaque

– concentrate on biting surfaces and where gums and teeth meet

– brush for two minutes or more

– use only a small amount of water to rinse

 tooth brushing techniques

Extra Help

There are dental tools available to help you in your journey to more effective tooth brushing. Here are several innovations which can help children and adults.

Smart toothbrushes: There are products on the market which play tunes or light up for a certain period of time to ensure that you don’t stop brushing too soon.

Apps: Dental apps can have an alarm which reminds you to brush twice daily and a timer to ensure that you brush for long enough. Some will also remind you about parts of your mouth that are easily overlooked.

Selfies: Filming yourself while brushing a few times can actually help you to see if your technique is accurate.

Last Word

It is important that good tooth brushing habits are learned from an early age. Parents can help by being good role models and developing correct techniques themselves. Generally, children’s tooth brushing should be supervised up to the age of ten.

It is never too late to improve your dental hygiene. Follow these simple steps to ensure better outcomes for your oral health and overall well-being.

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