How to Prepare a Salt Water Rinse After Tooth Extraction

woman uses salt water rinse after a tooth extraction

Having an infected tooth can be very painful especially when it has been extracted and you don’t know what to do to soothe the pain. However, it is possible to eliminate this problem without much effort and expense. In this link you can find advice from dentists in case your pain doesn’t ease after a couple of days.

In the current article you are going to learn about how to prepare a salt water rinse after tooth extraction cure that won’t cost you much money. In addition, you will learn how to make this natural remedy on the extracted tooth more effective.

To make a salt water rinse to eliminate the soreness after tooth extraction, take a glass of warm water, then dissolve three teaspoons of salt in the water. Mix them well and rinse your mouth for a minute or two while avoid swallowing the salt rinse. Try to rinse the painful part of the mouth where the tooth was extracted. If it turns out that the water is not salty enough, you can always add more. Do this several times for a couple of days until the symptoms and pain disappear.
Making your own salt water rinse for after tooth extraction is a very cheap and effective way to put your mouth in good condition. However, you can make it even more effective by doing the following:
Add a few drops of peppermint extract to the salt water or use peppermint tea. It is known to be very effective for treating extracted tooth, which in combination with the antibacterial nature of salt it will be more effective than almost any prescription given over the counter.

how to make salt water rinse after tooth extraction

Rinse your mouth with salt when you wake up every morning and before going to bed in the evening. It eliminates soreness and kills all the bacteria. This will help to prevent bad breath, dental cavities, painful gums, bleeding from the gums and toothaches.

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